Soils, Syncopations, Solitude

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Harvest Bonus (or How to Install a Raven Envizio Monitor and Phoenix 200 Antenna in/on an John Deere 8100 Tractor in Seven (mostly) Easy Steps.)

Step One: Find a piece of scrap metal and paint it green. Step Two: Install extra power outlets in tractor cab. (Notice upon reviewing pictures that the plastic cover which protects the tractor from this kind of thing is not in place. Try to recall if it got closed. Resolve to double check right after lunch.)

Step Three: Using industrial-grade suction cup, attach Envisio monitor to cab windshield.Step Four: Using automotive double-sided tape , affix painted scrap metal to (fiberglass) roof of tractor cab.Step Five: Position antenna on center line of cab using integrated magnet. Try to ignore the fact that your tractor now appears to have a dunce cap on. Step Six: Power up unit and ensure proper function. (You should see it after the sun goes down. The "Envisio" glows red, giving you the feeling that William Daniels will start talking to you at any moment.)
Step Seven: Practice using parallel guidance system with a non precision task, such as disking.
Congratulations! You have now caught up with the Jones's (if you ignore the fact that they also have auto steer, auto boom, and a rate controller)! Now, after spending an entire day outside in the glorious wonder of creation, you will feel as though you just spent an entire day playing a crude video game on a four inch screen. Rest easy knowing that if you are ever lost in the wilderness while carrying your monitor, antenna and an adequate power source, you will not be stuck wandering aimlessly in poorly defined circles. Your circles will be perfect concentric rings a predetermined distance apart.

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