Soils, Syncopations, Solitude

Monday, August 11, 2008

Corn Update 7-21-08

Lets take a look at the corn...
The tassels are out and have started to drop pollen. Pollen covers everything!
And here is the pollen's target, the silks. This ear has not really begun pollination, as its silks are still soft and yellow.
This ears silks have just started to accept pollen, but the pollen hasn't reached its ultimate destination yet. It takes each little pollen grain 24 hours to travel the length of the silk.
Here we have an ear that is probably about half pollinated. The silks turn dark brown and dry up as soon as fertilization occurs.

And here is the inside. Incidentally, this is one of the largest ears of corn I have seen. 18 around by 40+ long. I hope there are a lot more just like it!

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