Soils, Syncopations, Solitude

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Good Life.

Katie had a rough first night. We underestimated her need for a warm house. After several failed attempts to get her to sleep, Betsy remembered her snow suit. She went right to sleep.

Katie spends a lot of time wrapped up like a burrito.
She loves to be swaddled. Anna hated to be swaddled. But was that just because Anna came during a heat wave?

We finally got some measurable snow. Some of it didn't blow off of the fields, anyway. I picked up Anna from school on Tuesday in the snow. The dirt roads were fine, but it was one of those days where in order to cross the Highway 83 you look both ways, realize you have absolutely no way of knowing if it is safe, say a quick prayer, and punch it. The folks in front of me had a pretty close call, I made across both times without incident.

I much prefer sitting at home and holding Katie.

I think we can be pretty sure that Katie is our dark-haired, brown eyed girl.See her eyebrows? Anna's were impossible to make out. And Katie's eyes are dark and anything but blue.

Anna and Katie had a nice nap Tuesday evening.

Katie likes to suck on her fingers and her thumb. Trouble.

On Wednesday they called off school, and Anna spent most of the day with her cousins at the farm. They came over in the afternoon to meet Katie.
Jairus and Katie:

Joela and Katie:

Chris and Katie:

And Silas and Katie. Arrrrr. Cephas had more important things to do than to hold Katie.

Anna read a book to Katie, appropriately Katy and the big snow.

We had a pretty day today.

Even if it started out a tad chilly.

Katie had a good day.

And Anna and I found enough snow to throw at each other, even if it was too dry to make a snowman.

Snow angels aren't as picky as snowmen.

I went to band practice tonight. It looks like Katie and Betsy had a nice evening together.

Katie makes everything more fun, even blogging.

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Blogger betsyann said...

That's the cutest little burrito I ever did see.

8:21 AM, February 11, 2011

Blogger jmlo said...

Lucky you.

12:05 PM, February 11, 2011

Blogger Unknown said...

She is a cute burrito. Both of mine were born in the dead of winter. one likes to be swaddled, one didn't!

12:05 PM, February 11, 2011


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