Soils, Syncopations, Solitude

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Great Corn Watch Days 54-55.

So on the first Monday of November (the second,) we started with the milo harvest. This is a pretty normal time for us to be cutting milo. Except that usually the corn is all cut and the wheat is all planted.

The wheat that was in the ground sure looked nice though.

Almost as nice as the milo.

They didn't have the auger set up at Reeve's yet.

We had a good day of cutting, and it didn't end with it raining either.

So we got right back to it on Tuesday.

But we changed to the row head. The milo guards on the platform weren't handling the high yielding milo very well. For some reason, though, I took a picture while in the worst spot in the field:

Note the corn.

Milo harvest was busy too, just like corn harvest.

There was a lot of waiting in line.



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