Soils, Syncopations, Solitude

Saturday, January 26, 2013

In Which lobiwan Completely Ignores the Fact That He May Never Catch Up.

The rest of March.

So we made it home from Oregon.  And the 8100 was ready to pick up, all retrofitted with an EZ-Pilot system.

One reason to get the EZ-Pilot-- I had asked Mark to go ahead and strip till the corn stalks Over East for me.

There is just no way I would want to try to follow those paths without some satellite trickery.

I went out to try to catch up on spraying and to try the system out.

Two big thumbs up.

The wheat I hadn't gotten to yet had gotten ridiculously big while I had been gallivanting around Oregon.

And then it rained.

I took the opportunity to hang out with my favorite thumb sucker.

 The wheat seemed a lot happier after the rain.

Here you can see the moisture probe buried in the irrigated wheat.

Whereas the dryland wheat had apparently been saved just in the nick of time. Two feet of moisture after a two inch rain on sandy ground means there was pretty much nothing there before the rain.

And here is an example of why heavier ground is NOT preferable in a moisture deficient situation. The rain did not soak as deep, and that nice dark mud will both warm up quicker and lose more moisture off of the top than the sandier ground above. The darker the ground is after a rain, the more moisture will be lost to evaporation in the week after the rain.

We got to see 3z for the first time.

Katie and I had some good times in the mornings trying out new kinds of fruit.

And the Millers came down for a visit.

I got the go-ahead to haul in my corn to Heritage.

There was loading.

And unloading.

And the Puma got some new hardware.

Katie got some new hardware too.

I sprayed when I could.

And Hauled corn when I couldn't.

There was more loading.

And unloading.

And loading again.

And more spraying.

So many thing I did wrong on the continuous wheat. So many things.

But absolutely chief among them: I did not plant deep enough.  That combined with the lousy straw spreaders on the loaner combine from last summer really did a number on the stand. Note to self: upgrade spreaders on the 2188 before wheat harvest.

I sprayed some more.

Fought the local traffic on my way to spray some more.

And sprayed some more.

And found out that one still needs to pay attention even when one isn't responsible for steering.

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